Remember when love was a hummingbird…
floating on the waves of invisible wind…
riding the riddles of an afternoon rain…
defying the genius of gravity…
when little songs, like wild flowers rose…
unfolded and bloomed in your confident heart…
and the summer’s sun on your skin…
was your one true Heaven…
When you slept in a stream of surrender…
and wild rushing waterfalls of sanctified bliss…
carried you across the angry rocks of reason…
over and above unanswered questions…
into a shimmering pool of day-dreams…
your love was a flying carpet…
the clouds applauded your smile…
tall trees announced your arrival…
When still untouched by time and trouble…
not yet ruined with regret and remorse…
unblemished by the shame of your superiors…
their contempt, judgements and certainty…
when wisdom was an electric sensation…
and words like no, never, not now…
were still untethered tight to your tongue…
you had no care or cause, to explain yourself to others…
When sex was still an imagined pink pearl…
a promise, a present, a special surprise…
yet to be opened, explored and enjoyed…
waiting, tempting, beckoning from the dark…
filling you full of supernatural power…
your pockets flush with magic and miracles…
the moon was your lucky penny…
and the stars wished upon you…
Before you swallowed the bright packaged poison…
of breached and broken secrets and promises…
tasted the torment of an empty tomorrow…
inhaled the sickening smell of disappointment and death…
and knew your songs would soon be silenced…
by the screams of her quiet indifference…
and you would fall out of favor from your paradise…
like a hunter’s wounded once winged prey…
I remember when love was a hummingbird…
and I dreamed on a mountain of diamonds…
danced underneath a red liquid sky…
and skipped from thunder to lightning bolt…
alive and aware of the magnificence of being…
embracing the earth with eternity’s arms…
sailing down streams of wishes and wonder…
long, long before, I was near my rivers end…
(c) Billy Batson, Saber-Tooth Poems.